FAA Impact Conference Recap 2025
During the first week of February over 20 FCAA members gathered in Florida’s capital to attend Impact, the Florida Apartment Association’s legislative conference. This gave members the unique opportunity to meet one-on-one with our region’s legislators and to advocate on behalf of the apartment industry. We appreciate everyone who traveled to Tallahassee for this important event, and their willingness to help make an impact.
This year’s legislative priorities focused on enhancing the Live Local Act by addressing the opt-out that local governments now have for the Missing Middle property tax discount and allowing adaptive reuse projects to access tools in the Live Local Act. Members also advocated to amend the Landlord Tenant Act to allow residents to opt-in to electronic notices, and to prevent local governments from mandating participation in voluntary federal housing programs such as the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program.
To view FAA's legislative priority brochure, which goes more in depth into each priority issue, please visit faahq.org/priorities.
Thanks to the hard work of all FAA members that attended Impact, we look forward to seeing these legislative priorities move forward and be filed as bills in both the House and Senate.
If you have any questions about FAA or FCAA’s government affairs efforts or would like to become more involved, please contact Johnmichael Fernandez, director of local government affairs, at Johnmichael@faahq.org.