Online and On Demand Education Earn your CECs (Webinars)

Sunday, April 19, 2020
12:00 PM (EDT)
to Sunday, December 31, 2023 at 1:00 PM (EST)
Email link to the webinar will be sent after registration.

The following On Demand Webinars are avaliable:

New in 2023!

Value Stacking your 2023 Rents!

Toni Blake teaches your team creative tools of VALUE STACKING your rents to help the consumer understand the value of life at your community. People want to feel they received a “great deal”, VALUE STACKING makes sure they do! Your teams will learn the impact of passionate conversations about their community in their own words. Discover a proper understanding of the psychological value of speaking with passion. It’s incredible how quickly we find money when we WANT something! VALUE STACKING techniques show the importance of choosing your apartment because you LOVE what you get, not what you pay. Toni introduces strategies for your on-site teams to find their voice and how to write a personal “love story” about their community. Toni’s program includes specific marketing strategies and new value positioning techniques to VALUE STACK your rents with the FIRE of DESIRE! This dynamic educational leasing and marketing event for 2023 will revive your team’s passion and performance.

How to Implement Powerful Virtual Leasing Without Losing the Personal Connection!

The multifamily industry was already moving towards virtual leasing before COVID-19, but now it is at breakneck speed!  Today, we are empowering our teams to go virtual, but still maintain that social connection by building rapport, and ultimately lease apartments...  Go team!!

This is the new leasing life we are facing!  So how do we do it?  Let’s talk about how we do this and be successful while not going crazy!  This webinar will cover:

  • Technology tips and how to look like a pro
  • What to demonstrate via video and what to offer in photos and collateral
  • How do you close the sale when never technically meeting your client?
  • We will look at some great examples of virtual leasing, as well as things to avoid

Let’s make a plan and be successful in this new virtual world!

Financial Boop Camp- Empowering On-Site Teams to Drive Revenue and Profitability Through Financial Knowledge

You can’t avoid numbers if you’re going to be successful in the multifamily industry.  Numbers and metrics are used every day to measure a property’s success and, ultimately, the success of the on-site team.  Mastering the financial and operational calculations that are used in property management helps on-site teams understand what factors drive property performance and how to take action to improve performance. 

This course will provide property management professionals with three takeaways:

  • A math refresher building the base for more advanced concepts.
  • A glossary of property management financial terminology that industry professionals use regularly.
  • An understanding of common property management calculations to derive specific leasing and operational metrics.

Skyrocket Your Leases & Sales with Emotional Intelligence

Anyone looking to advance their leasing and sales skills, this is for YOU! Despite standard sales processes, people make buying decisions for their own reasons - not yours. Learn to understand stakeholders and risks, using your self-awareness for sales success. Identifying how buyers make decisions, develop patterns and raise objections enables you to gain their commitment. Experience the 4 levels of sales intelligence, discover how to effectively use the power of empathy, and learn to ask 5 sales questions that matter most. Join and see how your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) can increase your win probability and help you close more deals.  

  • Determine 5 Key Stakeholders involved in your leasing/sales process and employ disciplined qualifying to ensure the best win probability
  • Identify and stop disruptive emotions that lessen your chance of closing a deal, and employ 10 likability factors with prospects
  • Use empathy, trust and the 4 levels of Sales Intelligence to produce micro-commitments, testing engagement and improving your closing ratio

Excited to Excel: Functions, Formulas, and Fun for Property Management!

Microsoft Excel is one of the most powerful and widely used tools in business today. If you’re lacking the basics or if you and your team need some help applying your Excel knowledge to Property Management, then this webinar is for you. Kara will cover the basic terminology associated with navigating an excel workbook, show you how to apply the library of functions to fit your needs, and demonstrate building custom formulas when the standard functions aren’t enough. You’ll also see examples applying Excel skills to property management to simplify your budgeting, banking, and performance indicator metrics!

This webinar will cover:

  • Terminology (Formulas and Functions aren’t the same thing?!)
  • Basic Pre-Built Functions and their application to property management
  • Formatting (Everyone likes a pretty spreadsheet!)
  • Visualizing your data with charts and graphs – let’s face it, staring at numbers isn’t where the fun is at!

Culture of Fun: How a strong Culture Enhances Team Productivity!

Having a great company culture has a major return on investment from a financial standpoint and boosts the productivity of your team. And it’s no secret that Property Management can be one of the most stressful jobs you’ll ever take on ...but it can also be one of the most rewarding and fun jobs you’ll ever have! Kiki is going to show you how to integrate fun into all aspects of multifamily management! From corporate led training to resident events – let’s have some fun at work!

This webinar will be packed with ideas, real life examples, and resources to help you amp up the fun factor at work by building a culture of fun into:

  • Employee Appreciation
  • Resident Events
  • Team Meetings
  • Rewards and Motivation
  • Holidays with Residents and Team Members
  • Training
  • Marketing
  • And so much more!

Assistant Manager Magic!

They are responsible for resident relations, resident retention, and resident drama! If that’s not enough, there is also the occasional team drama as well! And while juggling all of those responsibilities, they have to be ready to step into the manager’s shoes, which is never easy!

Vicki is going to give you tips on how to rock the role of the assistant, preparing you for today's role, as well as setting you up to grow into a rock solid property manager!

Leadership Hint:  One of the biggest needs for multifamily companies is building a talent pipeline, preparing team members to grow into leadership roles.  By signing up your assistant managers to this event, this webinar can help bolster that pipeline!

This webinar will help assistant property managers with:

  • Building resident relationships
  • Increasing resident retention while raising rents
  • Diffusing team issues quickly
  • Growing into the manager role

How to Deliver a WOW Customer Experience!

Today’s customers expect you to anticipate their needs. They expect a high level of customer service and will switch to your competitor if they don’t get it. In this session participants will see data to explain why customer experience is more important than ever. They will learn to define various levels of service and explore the notion of active listening and closing the communication loop. Participants will leave this session with a clear roadmap that will guide them to consistently deliver a level of service that will WOW their customers and keep them renewing!

  • How to establish rapport
  • How to apply active listening
  • How to determine what the customer "really" wants.
  • How to garner positive reviews

Do you Speak Manager?

Does your leasing team ever give push back when trying to raise rents?  Do they really understand how stale vacant units affect the profitability of the community?  When your leasing team doesn’t realize how their actions affect the financial health of the property, how can they possibly achieve all your goals?  The biggest aspect to ensuring your team is all on the same page is to make sure they are all speaking the same language.  Do they understand what their manager means when they say, “do you know what this does to my vacancy loss?” or “OMG, look at my economic occupancy!”

Smart Girl Megan will introduce you and your leasing superstars to the tools to begin approaching this multi-million dollar asset as a savvy financial manager through the understanding of:

  • ROI
  • Vacancy loss
  • Turn costs 
  • Budget prep 
  • Economic occupancy 
  • Net operating income

First Week Fails: Mistakes Managers Make When Welcoming A New Team Member!

Hiring is hard. When you finally find that new team member, don't blow it by botching their onboarding experience! Studies show that nearly 25% of employee turnover happens within the first 45 days on the job. Fight back by starting new hires off strong, and help new apartment community team members feel valued, welcome, and eager to contribute, so they stick around. In this fun and funny session, you'll learn how to set your multifamily teams up for “onboarding and ongoing” success.

How Not to Celebrate Fair Housing Month!

While there are still some folks out there that believe any publicity is good publicity, it certainly isn't true when it comes to Fair Housing compliance. And while it's been 54 years since the passage of the Fair Housing Act, it's amazing how many folks would rather substitute their opinions about fair housing instead of applying the law to ensure compliance. Join us to explore the Top Ten Ways to avoid being featured in one of my future presentations - in the "unwanted" publicity forum!

Transitioning from Prospect to Resident!

With the cost of losing one resident at a national average of over $3,000 and their decision to renew coming within 48 hours of move-in, it's imperative that you have a seamless, perfect transition from prospect to resident at your apartment community. Sadly, our industry has a tendency to forget the customer once they lease and we treat them as more of an inconvenience than anything else. This session will not only provide you with a pre-set program to use with each new resident, it will also cover how to create an outstanding move-in experience designed to impact turnover cost and the bottom line.

5 Sensory Impacts: The "Secret Sauce" to Total Team Success!

One of the deepest needs in our humanity is a community connection. Human connection is one of the most rewarding elements in life, and has the power to deepen the moment, strengthen the bonds between people, inspire change, and build trust. Our sensory system interprets and creates the perception of the world around us.  Human connection is a choice, an intentional plan, a practiced skill, and the “secret sauce” to total team success. So while the pandemic protocol separated us, and our current socio-economic climate highlights the divisions between us, there has never been a more critical time for us to build authentic relationships. Each sensory choice we make guides and directs the quality of our interactions. Toni will show you how to create conditions for human connection throughout the resident experience by intentionally practicing five human sensory impacts: voice, hearing, messaging, energy and tone.

The Path to Perseverance: Building Powerful Habits for Mental Strength and High EQ!

Audiences leave this session feeling inspired and often moved to tears, ready to handle life gracefully and make a difference in the world around them. This motivating presentation tells an important story of perseverance that won't soon be forgotten. It will educate, allowing attendees to learn some basics of Emotional Intelligence, and to understand how your EQ is involved in ensuring mental strength during challenging times. It will also motivate, helping you discover more about improving your outlook, building positive habits, and increasing your tenacity while handling stressful situations. What are you willing to do when the going gets tough? Take away tips for perseverance that you can rely on to increase your mental strength to better enable you to achieve your goals and dreams.

  • Discover 3 key questions to employ to enhance your Self-Awareness so you can recognize your emotions more quickly to manage them better
  • Learn 4 coping strategies grounded in commitment and acceptance therapies
  • Find out how to keep going when you feel defeated, employing the 3 defining characteristics of resilient people

Fabulous, Fanatical Follow Up!

Our customer’s journey has changed, and follow up is more critical than ever.  With less in person contact and more virtual, our prospect is engaging in new ways, and we need to adapt, respond and stand out! Hear why, how and how much to follow up and innovative ways to achieve the most for your marketing.  Leave this session with best practices for mobile, tech and even snail mail follow-up, and how to make frenetic phone follow up easy!  This session will make your team crazy about follow up!   

  • Learn why follow up is critical to leasing success
  • How many times should you follow up?  Get the latest statistics!
  • What's the most effective follow up method? It depends!
  • Learn secrets to make your follow up profitable and almost painless! 

Maintenance Topics:

Mastering Maintenance: Find, Hire, and Keep a Great Service Team!

If you want to learn new ways to get things done when you don't have enough people, time, or resources, then this session is HIGHLY recommended.

So many companies and properties are struggling, as they can't find techs, can't keep them for long, or the level of technical expertise is not where it needs to be.  As a result, service requests are not getting completed in a timely manner, the maintenance that needs to be performed is backing up, and preventative maintenance is neglected, creating bigger and more costly projects than necessary.

So, if you want to get some new ideas, new solutions, and new approaches to getting things done, register for this session right now!

  • Find new approaches and solutions to getting maintenance done when you are short-staffed.
  • How to make up for the skill gap with technicians that don't have enough experience
  • Solutions to getting preventative maintenance done and reducing unnecessary projects and replacements

Mastering Maintenance: Save Time and Resources by Empowering Residents to Tackle Simple Work Orders!

The easiest work order is the one that is fixed before you realize it even existed.  While some work orders are complex and need a maintenance technician’s attention, many can be tackled by residents themselves, empowering them to immediately take care of the problem, while reducing work load on an already taxed maintenance team.  By creating short, easy-to-produce videos on a variety of common resident questions, residents can address simple issues that often eat up expensive maintenance time and resources.  

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to make simple-to-create videos for the residents, educating them on their appliances
  • What videos will cover the majority of common easily-fixed resident work orders
  • How to reduce  work order volume to give maintenance teams more time for critical community needs

Mastering Maintenance: From Diagnosis to Repair Maintenance Questions That Matter!

Wouldn’t it be great to receive an answer when we ask the toilet “Why are you not flushing correctly?”

Or for that matter; When the service request states that the AC is broken, how awesome would it be to be able to ask the thermostat “Why is the temperature in the apartment so high”? and receive an audible answer.

Possibly the most important skill for an apartment maintenance technician is knowing how to ask questions. Far too often a technician goes into a situation with incomplete information. Not knowing the questions to ask prevents a clear course of action to be taken and can result in lost time, broken parts, and repeated visits to make a repair.

This session will focus on more than just the verbal methods for creating a query. We will move away from the madness of being vague, taking guesses and go past the statement “I sure hope this works”.   By adapting 4 or 5 simple questions, many problems can be diagnosed, and a repair formulated. Most importantly, the right questions up front can decrease overall repair time as well as eliminating return visits.

Think of this session like the game show “Jeopardy”. The answer does matter; the QUESTION matters MORE…

By attending this webinar, on-site personnel will be able to:

  • Identify the difference between a “symptom” and a “true failure”
  • Decrease call backs and incorrect repairs caused by fixing the wrong item
  • Communicate more accurately
  • Diagnose effectively using fewer parts

High Voltage Customer Service: Plugged in & Connected!

Most of us stay plugged into the idea of providing great customer service. However, there are a number that do not stay connected to act of providing great customer service. This allows the breaker of customer engagement to be tripped. Imagine charging up your team to provide High Voltage Customer Service by staying plugged in and connected. Volting up your customer service has proved to increase customer loyalty, increasing revenue and create a cost savings.