3 Points of Customer Feedback: The Best Bad News
Receiving customer feedback can be downright terrifying. And sometimes it can make you downright angry. However, customer feedback can actually be the Best Bad News Ever. A simple change of perspective in reviewing customer feedback can make all the difference in making a positive change. If done properly, customer feedback is an opportunity to generate headline making positive news for customer retention, customer referrals and customer loyalty.
In this session, you will learn to identify the three types of customer feedback, investigate the circumstances around it, and then initiate the follow up. Takeaways include:
- Recognizing and differentiating between the three types of customer feedback.
- How to make sense of your customer feedback.
- Tips to preserve your relationship with customer when it’s bad or good news.
- Add value to your customer when getting feedback.
- Unlock actionable insight into the customer feedback.
- The most IMPORTANT part of customer feedback - the Follow Up.
About your Speaker
Gary Gregory, CAPS has been in the housing industry for over 20 years. Starting in university housing and then graduating into multi-family, Gary has a wide breadth of experience when it comes to housing, customer service, training, project management and sales. In his current role as Director of Operational Initiatives with Steadfast Living, Gary leads all new and existing projects and roll outs for the company.
Gary is an Amazon Best Selling Author including three published books, Living Beyond Purpose, The SUPERFANTASTIC Principles and a recently published The SUPERFANTASTIC Process: Becoming a Positive THINK, SPEAK, ACT Leader. As a previously accomplished ultra-marathoner, Ironman and personal trainer, Gary knows how to set goals and surpass them. He uses his TheGaryGregory.com platform to train, inspire and motivate others to reach and exceed their potential. As a husband and father of four amazing children, life is fantastic! Waking up each morning is a gift and I “get to” versus I “have to” is his approach. Speaking life is his key to success.